How one woman hopes to change the course of destiny... but without superpowers.
What's going on here?
In short, if I don't make some changes quickly I reckon' I will shuffle off this mortal plane soon.
So below are the key indicators I'm focusing on to show my health improving, and the blog explains all about how I'm going to do it, how it's going, how I'm feeling - you know... all that mushy stuff.
The most outwardly obvious sign of my unhealthy temple.
Starting at 114.7kg, want to get <90.2kg.
Really don't want to go on statins! Starting at 4.2 mmol/l, want to get <4.
Blood pressure
Okay - pretty sure my heart is going to explode.
Starting at 146/109- would like it around 130/80.
How's it going?
Blood Pressure
The blog
So how's it going day-to-day? Check out the blog to find out.
Ok - got the book. Not only got the book, but I got three books. First I bought the audio book. But often I'd wish I could stick a post-it note on this bit or that bit and make a…
I live in an amazing village with the most incredible people, and we have a village WhatsApp group. The other day someone was asking for the name of our mail carrier. Information was provided with the added nugget that in…
I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die. And I'm pretty sure if nothing changes it will be soon... like, this year. I feel like a 90-year-old woman, all worn out and achy. My heart has…
Okay. I need to eat a bag of dicks. In my f'ing logo (which I created) it says, "You'd better change before you have to". But did I fucking listen to myself? So in early March I woke up…
Ok - had I tried anything... even the most meager of efforts... and lost just 1 pound a week from when I started this blog I would be down 156 pounds. But I didn't. I did fuck all. No. Mustn't…
So, it's been over a year since I started this blog, and I'd like to tell you about everything that's changed over that year... fuck all. I'm so embarrassed but very little has changed. We were actually doing quite well…
So after all of the animated discussion on our village WhatsApp group I suggested we start up a book club/support group to discuss, share ideas, support each other, etc. 12 of us have now joined and we're having our inaugural…
Ok - got the book. Not only got the book, but I got three books. First I bought the audio book. But often I'd wish I could stick a post-it note on this bit or that bit and make a…
I live in an amazing village with the most incredible people, and we have a village WhatsApp group. The other day someone was asking for the name of our mail carrier. Information was provided with the added nugget that in…
I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die. And I'm pretty sure if nothing changes it will be soon... like, this year. I feel like a 90-year-old woman, all worn out and achy. My heart has…
Okay. I need to eat a bag of dicks. In my f'ing logo (which I created) it says, "You'd better change before you have to". But did I fucking listen to myself? So in early March I woke up…
Ok - had I tried anything... even the most meager of efforts... and lost just 1 pound a week from when I started this blog I would be down 156 pounds. But I didn't. I did fuck all. No. Mustn't…
So, it's been over a year since I started this blog, and I'd like to tell you about everything that's changed over that year... fuck all. I'm so embarrassed but very little has changed. We were actually doing quite well…